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DC Office of Zoning

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Zoning Regulations of 2016 (Unofficial Version)

The Office of Zoning (OZ) published a new online portal for the "unofficial" Zoning Regulations. The new application is designed to give users 24/7 access to an organized, easy-to-navigate platform that allows them to explore the Zoning Regulations of 2016, as amended, including a complete archive of the text amendments enacted since 2016. The fully-integrated website features a text amendment table for an at-a-glance view of changes, order numbers and links to PDFs of the rulemaking documents housed in a library located on the Cloud. The built-in eReader makes it even easier to peruse content and related information. The multi-functional website was built on the enCodePlus technology platform, which supports efficient administrative collaboration and allows local governments to streamline internal planning and zoning processes. It also delivers powerful, integrated research and communication features to support public officials, developers, business owners and citizens.

Click here to view the interactive unofficial zoning regulations

Click here to view the unofficial zoning regulations compiled as a PDF (updated quarterly, last updated 3/4/2024)

Click here to view pending text amendments

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Zoning at 202-727-6311 or [email protected].