There are several ways to search for cases that have been filed before the Zoning Commission (ZC) and Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA). The Interactive Zoning Information System (IZIS) is a web system for online case filing, viewing, processing, and management of ZC and BZA cases. All zoning case records are maintained and stored within IZIS.
If you have a ZC or BZA case number
Use the IZIS case search tool to access information for filed zoning cases, including case exhibits, orders, transcripts, and other information.
If you are searching for a case based on applicant name, keyword, or other case details
Use the Zoning Cases Dashboard to search fields including case number, case description, applicant name, address, square and lot, relief requested, and other keywords. Use the dashboard tools to filter and isolate cases based on your given parameters. The dashboard links to individual case records within IZIS.