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DC Office of Zoning

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Structure of the Zoning Regulations of 2016

The Zoning Regulations of 2016 (ZR16) were originally developed out of a multi-year process to modernize the existing Zoning Regulations of 1958 (ZR58). This process began in 2007 and ultimately concluded with the Zoning Commission voting unanimously to adopt the new regulations and zoning map on January 14, 2016. ZR16 became effective on September 6, 2016.

The Zoning Regulations of 2016 were further updated and reorganized by the Zoning Commission in Order No. 18-16/19-27-19-27B (link to case record). This order reorganized the regulations and reintroduced a base zone plus overlay naming convention for many zones. The ZR16 reorganization went into effect on August 25, 2023.

The following is a list of subtitles that comprise the text as approved by the Zoning Commission. All links below link to the Office of Zoning unofficial interactive zoning regulations viewer (link). This viewer is maintained by the Office of Zoning and is provided as an organized, easy-to-navigate version of the regulations. The official copy of the regulations is available on the Office of Documents and Administrative Issuances’ website: Title 11 DCMR - Zoning Regulations of 2016)

Subtitle A - Authority and Applicability

Subtitle D

Contains information that is currently contained in Chapters 1 and 32 of the current Zoning Regulations, including the code organization, effective date, vesting, and administration and enforcement provisions.

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Title 11

Chapter 2: Administrative and Zoning Regulations

Chapter 3: Administration and Enforcement

Chapter 4: Other Authorities




Subtitle B - Definitions, Rules of Measurement, and Use Categories

Subtitle B

Contains information that is currently contained in Chapters 1 and 32 of the current Zoning Regulations, including the code organization, effective date, vesting, and administration and enforcement provisions.

Chapter 1: Definitions

Chapter 2: Use Categories

Chapter 3: General Rules of Management





Subtitle C - General Rules

Contains general guidelines for non-conformities, subdivisions, tree protection, green area ratio, parking, inclusionary roof structures, etc.

Subtitle C

Chapter 1: Introduction to General Rules

Chapter 2: Nonconformities

Chapter 3: Subdivision

Chapter 4: Tree Protection

Chapter 5/6: Pervious Surface/Green Area Ratio

Chapter 7/8: Vehicle Parking/Bicycle Parking

Chapter 9: Loading

Chapter 10: Inclusionary Zoning

Chapter 11: Waterfront

Chapter 12: Combined Lot Provisions

Chapter 13: Antennas

Chapter 14: Retaining Walls

Chapter 15: Penthouses

Chapter 16: Public Education, Recreation, Library Buildings or Structures

Chapter 17: Plaza

Subtitle D - Residential House (R) Zones

Subtitle D

Contains development standards, including height, lot occupancy, setback, accessory standards, etc. for low- to moderate-density residential areas. It also includes the rules regarding § 223 (special exceptions for single-family dwellings) in the current Zoning Regulations, which can be found in the new § 5201.








Subtitle E - Residential Flat (RF) Zones

Subtitle E

Contains development standards, including height, lot occupancy, setback, accessory standards, etc. for areas developed primarily with row dwellings, but within which there have been limited conversions of dwellings or other buildings into more than two dwelling units.








Subtitle F - Residential Apartment (RA) Zones

Subtitle F

Contains development standards, including height, lot occupancy, setback, accessory standards, etc. for moderate- or high-density residential areas suitable for multi-household development.









Subtitle G - Mixed-Use (MU) Zones

Subtitle G

Contains development standards, including density, height, lot occupancy, setback standards, etc. for mixed-use developments that permit a broad range of commercial, institutional, and multi-family residential development at varying densities.








Subtitle H - Neighborhood Mixed-Use (NMU) Zones

Subtitle H

Contains development standards, density, height, lot occupancy, setback standards, etc. for stable mixed-use areas permitting a range of commercial and multi-household residential development in defined neighborhood commercial areas.








Subtitle I - Downtown (D) Zones

Subtitle I

Contains development standards, including density, height, lot occupancy, setback standards, etc. to allow for the appropriate mix of residential, office, lodging, retail, service, entertainment, cultural, and other uses.









Subtitle J - Production, Distribution, and Repair (PDR) Zones

Subtitle J

Contains development standards, including density, height, lot occupancy, setback standards, etc. for the use of land and structures and the erection and modification of structures in areas characterized by production, distribution, and repair uses, typically with heavy truck traffic and loading and unloading operations.








Subtitle K - Special Purpose Zones - (Southeast Federal Center, Capital Gateway, St. Elizabeth's, Union Station North, Uptown Arts, Reed-Cooke, Hill East, Walter Reed, Northern Howard Road, Barry Farms)

Subtitle K

Contains the regulations for single large sites that require a cohesive, self-contained set of regulations to guide site design, building height and bulk, land uses, or other aspects of development.









Subtitle U - Use Permissions

Subtitle U

Contains the use permissions for matter-of-right and special exception uses in the R, RF, RA, MU, NMU, and PDR zones.









Subtitle W - Specific Zone Boundaries

Subtitle W

Contains boundaries established for specific zone districts.










Subtitle X - General Procedures

Subtitle X

Contains procedural regulations for campus plans, chanceries, planned unit developments, map and text amendments, design review, etc.

Chapter 1: Campus Plans, School Plans, and Medical Campus Plans

Chapter 2: Chancery Applications

Chapter 3: Planned Unit Developments

Chapter 4: Applications for Amendment to Create a New Zone

Chapter 5: Map Amendments

Chapter 6: Design Review

Chapter 7: Air Space Development

Chapter 8: Water Tower on the East Campus of Saint Elizabeth's

Chapter 9: Special Exceptions

Chapter 10: Variances

Chapter 11: Zoning Appeals

Chapter 12: Civil Infraction Appeals




Subtitle Y - Board of Zoning Adjustment Rules of Practice and Procedure

Board of Zoning Adjustment

Contains regulations pertaining to Board information, application requirements, party status, ANC report information, hearing and meeting procedures, orders, fees, etc.

Chapter 1: Administration

Chapter 2: Public Participation

Chapter 3: Application Requirements

Chapter 4: Prehearing and Hearing Procedures: Applications

Chapter 5: Prehearing and Hearing Procedures: Zoning Appeals

Chapter 6: Post Hearing Procedures

Chapter 7: Approvals and Orders

Chapter 8: Remand Procedure

Chapter 16: Fees






Subtitle Z - Zoning Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure

Zoning Commission

Contains regulations pertaining to Commission information, application requirements, party status, ANC report information, hearing and meeting procedures, orders, fees, etc.

Chapter 1: Administration

Chapter 2: Public Participation

Chapter 3: Application Requirements

Chapter 4: Prehearing and Hearing Procedures: Contested Cases

Chapter 5: Prehearing and Hearing Procedures: Rulemaking Cases

Chapter 6: Post Hearing Procedures

Chapter 7: Approvals and Orders

Chapter 8: Sua Sponte Review

Chapter 9: Remand Procedure

Chapter 16: Fees

Chapter 17: Appointment for Appointing Director