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Register Roundup - 08/30/2024

Friday, August 30, 2024

Register Roundup, a weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

ZC Notice of Filing

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 04-14H

Florida Rock Properties, Inc. - 1st-Stage Modification with Hearing and 2nd-Stage PUD @ Square 708, Lot 16

Notice of Filing

ZC Notice of Public Hearing

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case No. 24-08

FC Lumber Shed, LLC – Text Amendment to Subtitle K § 230.4 to eliminate term limitation on office use on the second floor of Building 173 in the Southeast Federal Center

Notice of Filing
Case No. 24-09 The Wesley Theological Seminary of the United Methodist Church – Text Amendment to Subtitle C §1001.6(c) and Subtitle X §101 Notice of Filing