Instructions for Form 121 - Application for Foreign Missions
Any application that is not completed in accordance with the following instructions shall not be accepted.
- All applications shall be made pursuant to this form. If additional space is necessary, use separate sheets of 8½" x 11" paper to complete the form (drawings and plans may be no larger than 11" x 17").
- Form 121 must be filed electronically using the Interactive Zoning Information System (IZIS)
- At the time of filing this application, the Applicant shall complete and submit a Form 126 - Board of Zoning Adjustment Fee Calculator - and pay a filing fee in accordance with the BZA Schedule of Fees – 11 DCMR Subtitle Y §3180. (Check or money order is payable to the “DC Treasurer” or credit/debit card payments are acceptable.)
- An application shall contain a letter or other transmittal from the United States Department of State indicating that the Department of State has reviewed the application as required by § 205 of the Foreign Missions Act, D.C. Official Code § 6-1305, and has approved the application for the purposes of filing and processing by the Board.
- Below is a list of all the documents that must be submitted in PDF format at the time you file your application. Please have these documents ready for uploading before you start your application.
- Either a memorandum from the Zoning Administrator at DCRA directing the applicant to the BZA or a Form 135 - Zoning Self-Certification, which requires certification by a licensed architect or attorney;
- If the owner will be represented by a third party, including the lessor or contract purchaser of the property, a Letter of Authorization signed by the owner authorizing the representative to act on the owner’s behalf with respect to the application, and a Certification signed by the representative that they have read the Board’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (11 DCMR, Subtitle Y) and are able to competently represent the owner. (See Letter of Agent Authorization/Competency Tutorial)
- A statement that the Applicant will contact the local Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC), community/civic groups, the Office of Planning (OP), and adjacent property owners to discuss their application. The statement should include a pledge from the Applicant to submit a statement of the efforts made to contact these groups and the results of these efforts no less than fourteen (14) days before the scheduled public hearing/meeting. The contact with these entities should occur at the earliest time practical prior to the scheduled public hearing/meeting.
- A plat, drawn to scale and certified by a DC licensed survey engineer or the D.C. Office of the Surveyor, showing boundaries and dimensions of the existing and proposed structures and accessory buildings and structures. (See Required Specifications for Plats, Plans and Elevations Tutorial – for the required information on these drawings.);
- A site plan showing the boundaries and dimensions of the existing and proposed structures and accessory buildings and structures, and, if applicable, any area of relief requested;
- Architectural plans and elevations in sufficient detail to clearly illustrate any proposed structure to be erected or altered, landscaping and screening, and building materials, and where applicable, parking and loading plans (See Required Specifications for Plats, Plans and Elevations Tutorial - for the required information on these drawings.);
- A detailed statement addressing the review standards for chancery uses specified in Subtitle X § 201.8;
- Three color images, not-to-exceed 8½″ x 11″, showing pertinent features of the structure and the property involved (front, rear, and sides, if possible and applicable).
- The name and mailing addresses of the owners of all property within 200 feet, in all directions from all boundaries of the property involved in the application. (Note: This information is most readily available from the D.C. Department of Tax and Revenue, Tax Assessors by using the following link: . Select “View More Options” under the Real Property section, then “Request a Radius Map” under the Real Property Quick Links section).
- The name and mailing address of each person who has a lease with the owner for all or part of any structure located on the property involved in the application;
- Documentation or a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy showing the current authorized use. In cases where a change from a conforming use to a non-conforming use is requested, provide a copy of the past authorized uses;
- If the application is for a location in a low- to medium-density residence zone, a written statement by the applicant attesting to:
- A copy of each certificate of occupancy referenced in Subtitle X § 204.6(b).
- For each lot within the square devoted to a use other than a residential use within a low- to medium-density residence zone, the number and date of the certificate of occupancy authorizing the use and the use designation authorized; and
- A calculation of the land area within the square, or other area determined pursuant to Subtitle X § 201.4, of all low- to medium-density residence zoned lots, identified by lot numbers;
- A copy of the resume of any expert witness who will be testifying in the case; and
- A statement of the efforts that have been made to apprise the affected Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) and other individuals and community groups concerning the application, if any.
Please note, after you submit this electronic filing, you will be required to submit two (2) sets of self-stick labels of the names and mailing addresses of the owners of the properties.
Note: All applications are referred for review and recommendation to the Office of Planning (OP) and the Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) within which the affected property is located. Their reports are given “great weight” in the BZA decision-making process. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact these agencies to discuss the merits of their application. OP can be reached at (202) 442-7600. ANC information can be ascertained by contacting the Office of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions at (202) 727-9945.
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