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DC Office of Zoning
Welcome to the Office of Zoning

11/19/2018 - This Week's Zoning Commission Meeting and Hearing Schedule

Monday, November 19, 2018

Zoning Commission Schedule Logo

November 19, 2019 at 6:30 pm

Zoning Commission Public Meeting

ZC Case #11-02C    - CONSENT CALENDAR: University of the District of Columbia - Campus Plan Modification of Consequence @ Square 1964 (Deliberation)

ZC Case #16-09A - CONSENT CALENDAR: 1200 3rd Street, LLC - PUD Modification of Consequence @ Square 747 (Deliberation) - 1200 3rd St NE

ZC Case #15-18B    - CONSENT CALENDAR: Initio, LP - Modification of Consequence @ Square 1194 (Deliberation) - 2715 Pennsvlyania Ave NW

ZC Case #18-05 - FINAL ACTION: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority - Map Amendment @ Square 487 & Text Amendment to Subtitle I Section 547.3 - 600 5th St NW

ZC Case #18-09 - FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendments to Subtitle B re: Measuring Height in Non-Residential Zones for Buildings 90+ & to Subtitle U re: Art Gallery & Museuem to Matter-of-Right Use Group A 

ZC Case #17-18 - FINAL ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendments to Subtitle B re: Measurement of Floor Area Ratio

ZC Case #14-19A - TIME EXTENSION: M Street Development Group, LLC - Two-Year Time Extension @ Square 772, Lots 803 & 804 - 1215 3rd St NE

ZC Case #04-33I    - PROPOSED ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendments re: Inclusionary Zoning (Subtitles A-H & K) - 

ZC Case #18-19 - HEARING ACTION: Poplar Point RBBR, LLC - Map Amendment Petition @ Squares 5860 & 5861 - Howard Road SE

ZC Case #18-12 - HEARING ACTION: Keep Meridian Hill Green Civic Association - Map Amendment @ Square 2568 - 2300 block 16th St NW

ZC Case #06-10D    - HEARING ACTION: The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation - 2nd-Stage PUD & Modification of Significance of 1st-Stage PUD @ Squares 3765 & 3767 - bounded by S. Dakota Ave. NE to the east, Kennedy St. NE to the north, Ingraham St. NE

ZC Case #08-07D    - CORRESPONDENCE: Four Points - Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ Square 5785 - Request for Reconsideration from CARE (Current Area Residents East of the River) and Applicants Response - 2255 MLK Ave SE