On June 8, 2016, the Office of Zoning released the Zoning Handbook, a key companion tool to the Zoning Regulations of 2016 (ZR16). The Zoning Handbook is intended to facilitate the transition to the ZR16. It was developed to encourage DC residents to participate in the zoning process through better understanding of zoning processes and accessibility to information. Use this link http://handbook.dcoz.dc.gov/ to access the handbook to find more about the ZR16 zoning designations, zoning rules, or use categories.
For additional information about the Zoning Handbook , please contact DCOZ at [email protected].
ABOUT DCOZ - DCOZ is an independent DC agency that was created in 1990 by an Act of the District of Columbia Council. DCOZ provides professional, technical, and administrative assistance to the Zoning Commission (ZC) and the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).