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DC Office of Zoning
Welcome to the Office of Zoning

6/10/19 - This Week's Zoning Commission Meeting and Hearing Schedule

Monday, June 10, 2019

ZC Schedule

Monday, June 10, 2019 at 6:30 pm

Public Meeting

ZC Case #03-12W/03-13W - CONSENT CALENDAR - District of Columbia Housing Authority - Minor Modification to Allow Temporary Parking Lots at Squares 767, 768, and 882

ZC Case #04-14F    - CONSENT CALENDAR: Riverfront Holdings II, LLC - PUD Modification of Consequence @ Square 708 (Deliberation)

ZC Case #18-07 - FURTHER DELIBERATION: Lean Development, LLC - Map Amendment @ Square 750
ZC Case #18-10 - FURTHER DELIBERATION: HIGH Street, LLC - Map Amendment @ Square 5799, Lot 976
ZC Case #07-08C    - FINAL ACTION: District of Columbia Housing Authority - Text Amendment to Extend Expiration Dates for Certificates of Occupancy for Temporary Surface Parkig Lots in the Proximity of Nationals Ballpark
ZC Case #06-10D    - FINAL ACTION: The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation - 1st-Stage PUD Modification of Significance & 2nd-Stage PUD @ Squares 3765 & 3767
ZC Case #18-21 - FINAL ACTION: Hanover R.S. Limited Partnership - Consolidated PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Squares 3832 & 3835
ZC Case #17-21    - FINAL ACTION: As You Like It - Consolidated PUD & Related Map Amendment @ Square 498
ZC Case #18-22    - FINAL ACTION: Forest City SEFC, LLC - SEFC Design Review for Parcel G of The Yards @ Square 743
ZC Case #13-18B    - TIME EXTENSION: WBG Wheeler Road, LLC - Two-Year Time Extension @ Square 5925
ZC Case #15-19A    - TIME EXTENSION: 411 New York Avenue Holdings, LLC - Two-Year PUD Time Extension @ Square 359
ZC Case #19-04    - PROPOSED ACTION: Office of Planning - Text Amendment to Establish Community Renewable Energy Facility (CREF)
ZC Case #19-08    - HEARING ACTION: Georgetown 29K Acquisition, LLC - Map Amendment @ Square 1193
ZC Case #19-10    - HEARING ACTION: Valor Development, LLC - Consolidated PUD @ Square 1499
ZC Case #17-10    - CORRESPONDENCE: The Warrenton Group - Notice from Zoning Administrator re: Minor Modification Pursuant to 11-A DCMR Section 304.5

For more information on any Zoning Commission case, please visit the Zoning Calendar.