Zoning Commission Notice of Final Rulemaking and Zoning Commission Order
ZC Order #17-11 - 3200 Penn Ave PJV, LLC - Map Amendment - 3200 Pennsylvania Ave SE - Order
ZC Order #18-06 - Office of Planning - Text Amendment - Order
Board of Zoning Adjustment Orders
BZA Case #14096-B - Application of Wilson NPB LLC - 529 14th St NW - Order
BZA Case #19672 - Application of Milton Halem - 3608 S St NW - Order
BZA Case #19788 - Application of Royal Norwegian Embassy - 272034th St NW and 3401 Massachusetts Ave NW - Order
BZA Case #19827 - Application of Amy and Jay Hariani - 60 Randolph Pl NW - Order
Zoning Commission Orders
ZC Case #08-07D - Four Points Development LLC - 2230 SHANNON PLACE SE - Order
ZC Case #79-19A/78-07 - BDC Van Ness LLC - 4250 CONNECTICUT AVENUE NW - Order