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DC Office of Zoning
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Register Roundup - 12/22/2023

Friday, December 22, 2023

Register Roundup, a weekly update on zoning matters published in the DC Register

BZA Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case 20505 Michael Farquhar, - ANC 2E Notice of Filing
Case 20612 Demetra Weir, - ANC 6A Notice of Filing
Case 20906 KIPU, LLC, - ANC 5D Notice of Filing
Case 20927A Congressional 1015 Rhode Island, LLC, - ANC 5C Notice of Filing
Case 20975 Jill Gerber, - ANC 7D Notice of Filing
Case 20990 Rock Creek - 650 H, LLC, - ANC 6C Notice of Filing
Case 20992 National Presbyterian Church, Inc., - ANC 3A Notice of Filing
Case 20994 CWC WDC, LLC, - ANC 5C Notice of Filing
Case 21018 786 Lamont ST, LLC, - ANC 1E Notice of Filing

BZA Notice of Public Meeting

Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - (Virtual Meeting via WebEx) Notice of Filing

Zoning Commission Notice of Public Hearing

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case 23-17 Office of Planning – Proposed Text Amendment to Reduce Parking Requirements for Publicly Assisted Affordable Dwelling Units Notice of Filing
Case 23-19 Elm Gardens Owner, LLC and The NHP Foundation – Consolidated PUD and Zoning Map Amendment Application @ Square 3351, Lot 813 Notice of Filing

Zoning Commission Orders

Case Link Applicant/Description Notice of Filing (Link)
Case 13-16B Forest City SEFC, LLC on behalf of General Services Administration (“GSA”) (Request for Renewal of Temporary Parking Lots at the Yards Parcel F (Square 743, Lot 856) and Parcel Q (Square 827, Lot 1) Notice of Filing
Case 14-18B Two-Year Time Extension of First-Stage Planned Unit Development @ Square 3954, Lots 3, 4, and 800-804; Square 4024, Lots 1 and 800-804; and Square 4025, Lots 1-3, 5, and 800-803 Notice of Filing
Case 18-15A SQUARE 656 OWNER, LLC (Modification of Consequence to an Approved Design Review for Square 656, Lot 55 and 601, Lot 55) Notice of Filing
Case 21-09B US UNION SQUARE DC 901, LLC and US UNION SQUARE DC 999, LLC (Modification of Consequence to an Approved Design Review @ 901-999 North Capitol Street, N.E. [Square 675, Lots 853 and 854]) Notice of Filing
Case 23-03 William C. Smith & Company (Design Review @ Square 646, Lot 804 / One K Street, S.W.) Notice of Filing
Case 89-7/Order 644(1) 1200 K Street I Co., LLC & 1200 K Street II Co., LLC (Extinguishment of Consolidated PUD and Related Map Amendment @ Square 285, Lot 49) Notice of Filing