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Zoning Forms

Interactive Zoning Information System

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Application forms for the Zoning Commission (ZC) and Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) must be submitted electronically at the time a case is initiated through the interactive system. A list of application forms can be found at the bottom of the page.

However, the following PDF forms may be submitted through IZIS or through email. Please consult the Participating in an Existing ZC or BZA Case page for more information on email submissions. 


ZC Forms found only in IZIS

  • Form 101 - Application/Petition to Amend the Zoning Map
  • Form 102 - Petition for a Text Amendment
  • Form 103 - Application For A 1st-Stage, 2nd-Stage, Consolidated, OR Modification of Significance of a Planned Unit Development
  • Form 104 - Application for Approval of Air Space Development
  • Form 105 - Application for Minor Modification, Modification of Consequence, or Technical Correction
  • Form 106 - Application for a Time Extension to a PUD or Design Review Order
  • Form 107 - Application for Design Review
  • Form 108 - Application for Campus Plan or Medical Plan

BZA Forms found only in IZIS

  • Form 120 - BZA Application for Variance and/or Special Exception
  • Form 121 - Application for Foreign Missions
  • Form 125 - Appeal
  • Form 126 - BZA Fee Calculator
  • Form 152 - Application for Modification With Hearing
  • Form 154 - Application for Modification Without Hearing
  • Form 156 - Application for Time Extension

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